Friday, October 14, 2011

Henry Markram builds a brain in a supercomputer

Recently, I watched a video about the brain. It explained in depth about how a supercomputer was powerful enough to map out the brain. From here they were able to test electrical signals in the brain. He also posed some intriguing ideas about how the entire universe has just been created by the mind, and that every brain is different. How each brain makes its own connecting between neurons, in specific places, each with a specific purpose. The evolution of the brain has brought it to where we are today, and what is amazing is that our brains are evolved enough to begin to even understand themselves.I also really liked his ideas about how the brain has evolved, and why it has evolved. According to the video, the brain began to evolve because mammals, like us, need a more powerful and complex brain to deal with social interactions between them and their offspring.I think this is really interesting because it relates to a lot of what I've been learning in other classes about evolution and the progression of the human race.

You can watch the video at:

1 comment:

  1. This was a really interesting video, I watched it too.
